Zuganta Jyoti Das

Research Scholar, Breast Cancer Hub

Zuganta Jyoti Das is a postgraduate in Life-science and Bioinformatics with a specialization in molecular genetics from Assam Central University, Silchar. Hometown at Nagaon, India, where he graduated in Zoology with Botany and Chemistry as minor from Anandaram Dhekial Phookan College (affiliated to Gauhati State University). He was involved in various academic activities such as organizing and attending seminars, conferences, and workshops also volunteered for several organizations during his academic years. He also carried out five research projects and presented them at national seminars, three as research posters and two as oral presentations. He has two research papers published in journals and one in a conference proceeding.

From a young age, he's been a relentless questioner, delving into how things work – from natural wonders to the world around us. This curiosity has driven his passion for science and research, particularly in the crossroads of IT and biology. With a diploma in Computer Hardware & Network Engineering and certificate programs from the University of Helsinki, UNOOSA, Google, Microsoft and WHO, his love for technology and learning shines brightly.

Since September 2019, Zuganta has been a part of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), and he is still going strong, showing no signs of slowing down! Since then, it has always been an absolute joy working together on the BCH projects.

Mission Statement: Our goal is to empower local communities at the grassroots level through the Breast Cancer Hub (BCH). We want to create positive change and make their voices heard. We focus on studying community awareness about breast cancer, screening processes, and accessibility. We aim to eliminate social stigma around breast cancer, particularly in underprivileged communities. Our aim is to encourage more people to get mammograms, ultrasounds, and do self-breast exams. We also want to promote early detection by encouraging women and men to seek clinical exams. With BCH our mission is to make a big positive impact and help those with fewer opportunities.

Email: zuganta@outlook.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zugantajyotidas


Lopamudra Das Roy