
Pritika Arinana

Research Scholar, Breast Cancer Hub

I graduated from the University of Cincinnati in December 2020, with a BSC degree in psychology and a minor in sociology receiving Magna Cum Laude honors. During my college career I volunteered with several organizations across different underprivileged populations. My experience as a student facilitator at the Center for Addiction Treatment in Cincinnati, helped me realize the importance of scientific knowledge for mental health awareness. Moving forward, with my fascination in behavioral science and advocacy I would like to aid disadvantaged communities in seeking mental health services, as a certified clinical psychologist.

Mission Statement: I would like to be a part of Breast Cancer Hub’s mission to promote breast cancer awareness because I believe in its initiatives of advocacy through education, discussion, and research. BCH’s story lies close to home because my maternal grandmother passed away from cancer in 2018. I realized early on the impact cancer has on one’s life as well as the lives of their loved ones. Through BCH I would not only like to erase the taboo associated with cancer but also help individuals with breast cancer in addressing their emotional distress.



Country: India & USA/Dubai

Lopamudra Das Roy