ESHAN SHAH - BCH North Georgia Chapter Co-Director






My Name is Eshan Shah. I am a rising 11th grader at Alliance Academy for Innovation, Cumming GA. I am a part of my school’s healthcare program and have been an active member of our HOSA chapter since 9th grade. I am currently on the leadership team of our Ted-Ed club. In my free time, I love to volunteer at Building Bridges Therapy center, where they foster social skills for special needs kids. In the past, I have interned at Mind and Motion center.  My favorite hobby is playing soccer. I have played since the age of 4. In the future, I am planning on going into the medical field.

Mission Statement: Growing up, my parents always taught me about problems going on in the world. They talked to me about things like wealth disparity, problems with access to healthcare, and issues that uneducated people had with understanding healthcare. I have been wondering ever since if I could help these people overcome these obstacles. I am thrilled to have that opportunity now, to bring communities together to learn about cancer and raise funds to help research ways to fight it.


Country: United States of America