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Breast Cancer Awareness Session at Sarada Seva Sangha, Guwahati, Assam

It was a very fruitful interactive event with women coming forward with questions & willing to spread the word in their own network as well as requesting for more sessions next year! The on-spot survey showed that the screening for Breast Cancer was almost ~99% not done till issues evolved. Therefore, the concept of Breast Self Exam was immensely accepted. Definitely, I requested for Mammogram (mentioned about dense breast issues with Mammogram so that each woman is aware) & ultrasound after certain age as screening method. Cannot be more thankful to Mrs Parul Dhar & respected members of Sarada Sangha for organizing the session & for their immense support in taking the message forward.

By, Dr Lopamudra Das Roy, BCH

#BreakTheBreastTaboo #TogetherWeSaveLives #BreastCancerHub