Benny Abraham Kaipparettu, Pharm, Ph.D


Associate Professor, Baylor College of Medicine

Houston, USA


Dr. Kaipparettu is a cancer researcher for the past several years and his lab is located in one of the leading genetics departments in the world. The major focus of my lab is to understand how metabolism affect cancer initiation, progression and metastasis. We have previously reported that many aggressive tumors maintain a hybrid metabolic phenotype that allow them to use multiple energy pathways for better survival.  We have also shown that triple negative breast cancer has a high-energy dependency to fatty acid metabolism. Since metabolism may be related to the food intake and the life style of the cancer patients, our research is interested to know how cancer metabolic characteristics affect the activation of tumor pathways.


 Mission Statement: Since breast cancer is one of the leading cancers and triple negative breast cancer is currently lacking reliable targeted therapies, much more need to be done to educate the cancer patients on the mechanism, prevention, early detection and the management of breast cancer. Moreover, although breast cancer is commonly considered as a female cancer, a significant number of male breast cancer also diagnose every year. Outreach activities are necessary to address these important issues.


USAMelissa Cong-Huyen