Neelakant Yerra


Solutions Consultant, SAS


Charlottte, NC, USA


I have over 12 years of experience in designing and implementing complex SAS platform architectures. Currently working as a Sr consultant at SAS institute and help build robust SAS platform architectures for various financial, retail and pharmaceutical companies as per their security regulations and various IT standards.

Mission statement:
I have seen a close family relatives suffer from cancer, which helped me understand the impact of early detection in curing as well as in total treatment time. In some cases early detection not only helps to cure cancer completely but also it will significantly reduce the duration of treatment period to more than 25% when compared with treatment duration for advanced stages.

I strongly believe in Dr Lopamudra’s vision that early detection will saves many life’s and also significantly reduce the pain and suffering for both the patient and the whole family during the treatment phase.


Country: India & USA