SHALINI VENKATESH RAO - BCH Chicago Chapter Director





Shalini has a MS degree in Biotechnology. She has experience in academic research setting ( Indian Institute of Science, University of Cincinnati, and The Ohio State University); and industrial research at Henkel AG & Company, KGaA, a German chemical and consumer goods company headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany.

She lives with her loving husband, Venkatesh and two sons, Pranshu (13 years ) and Pratyay(11 years) in Winnetka, Illinois. After moving back to the United States in the summer of 2018, she has been busy getting to know the place and people, and settling her boys at school, and trying to beat the Chicago Winter Blues. She has met some of the most wonderful people here and through Julie Ugarte, she was introduced to Dr. Lopa Das Roy.

Shalini has been volunteering as a Science Olympiad Coach to the Middle School kids at North Shore Country Day School, and at a non-profit organization, Ek Kadam Aur to help educate and empower children living below the poverty- line in India. As an E-teacher at Ek Kadam Aur, she teaches high school students in rural India and Nepal through an online platform. During her free time, she enjoys reading, singing, hiking and traveling the world with her family.

Having lived in India, US and Germany and being fluent in English, German, Hindi and Kannada, she has a unique perspective and understanding of the people from diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Mission Statement

I think cancer is a hard battle to fight alone or with another person on your side, but I will say having someone to pick you up when you fall, stand by your side through every appointment and delivery of good/bad news is priceless.” - Jenna Moraska

Having witnessed my mother-in-law face cancer diagnosis, its treatment, and then recover to live a healthy and more importantly an independent life carrying out not only the normal daily activities but also following her passion and living life to the fullest, I can very much affirm the above quote by Jenna Moraska. We were lucky that her cancer was detected at an early stage which resulted in better treatment and prognosis. She has been cancer-free for 14 years now.

Having realized that awareness and early detection is the key to conquering cancer, It is my privilege to be a part of Breast Cancer Awareness Hub. Through this platform I would like to use my talent, knowledge, skills and network of people to contribute towards saving lives. I thank Dr. Lop Das Roy for providing me this opportunity.