HARITA JOSHI, BCH India - Gujarat Ambassador

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Deverra IVF and infertility center as a Junior Embryologist

BCH India - Gujarat Ambassador

Region: Gujarat, India

My name is Harita Joshi, I recently completed my masters from Vellore institute Of Technology (VIT), I have done few projects on Different cancer during my masters which help me to improve my knowledge regarding cancer, I have done my dissertation from ACTREC(Tata Memorial Centre Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer) during that time I consulted few patients who are going under breast cancer, During graduation time I worked as an NSS volunteer and create awareness about Head and neck cancer in Alarsa village ,I am currently doing the job as a junior embryologist and genetic cousellor In Deverra IVF centre in Rajkot,gujarat, Here I met patients who want to preserved their eggs because they have cancer due to late detactation ,I saw one of my neighbour suffering from breast cancer for many years and after all the chemotherapy she wont survive ,she just give birth to her daughter and passed away which shook me and i decided to help as many people and create awarness regarding breast cancer on early stages

Mission Statement:

I always wanted to work as the betterment of society, I wanted to make difference and as a young youth of the society I take it as it's my responsibility to make people more aware about cancer, people used to feel shy to talk about breast which is a very usual part of the body,i always wanted to do something good for society and I find lopamudra mam very helpful by doing such good work, her story is so much inspiring, it's not easy to leave a job but for the betterment of the society she started this NGO and i wanted to part of this NGO to make people more aware about cancer also they can talk freely so that cancer can detect on early stages and we can make this world a better place so families won't lose their love ones.

Email: haritajoshi72@gmail.com

Country : India

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